Serving others

WCS staff and students actively serve others in our community, our state and our world.

Serving Our Community

Connect with people at the Woodford County Senior Center

Give uniform clothes to local elementary schools with similar dress codes

Partner in local church ministries - Journey Provisions and Versailles Baptist Church Toy Project

Serving Our State

Collect new jeans and shirts for the Freedom Center Back to School event - Harlan County, Kentucky

Collect canned vegetables for the Empty Stocking Fund food drive at Christmas - Harlan County, Kentucky

Make sack lunches for HopeMobile which serves the homeless population in Downtown Lexington

Serving Our World

Collect change to purchase live stock for families in Haiti through a ministry called loveBig

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of

these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" 

Matthew 25:40